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Now Available!

"Recovery Culture:

Juicy Secrets and Strategies for Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, and Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery"


The most in depth guide for preparation, recovery, and thriving after plastic surgery! 

Partially Plastic Podcast
Episode: Recovery Culture
with Christina Acosta

November 12, 2023

Available On:

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What People Are Saying...

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Christina M. Acosta’s first book

“Recovery Culture: Juicy Secrets and Strategies for Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, and Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery”

is a quirky deep dive into the plastic surgery industry’s best kept post op care secrets.


With a colorful blend of humor and blunt dialogue, Acosta gives an honest and fair assessment of the plastic surgery industry while empowering readers with self-love, tools, tips, and tricks known to be helpful in soothing pain, reducing swelling, coping emotionally, and lesser known secrets to improving final results. 


As a massage therapist of 20 years, Acosta has worked with countless clients who have undergone plastic surgery worldwide. In her practice as well as social media, she has noticed patients are consistently given minimal to no support to manage the pain, swelling, stiffness, warping of scar tissue, and other unexpected conditions common in plastic surgery results. Her book addresses the failure of the medical system to disclose how frequently and intensely post surgical inconveniences affect patients by exposing the commonly accepted, impractical, and at times, illegal practices condoned by many plastic surgeons, social media, and international plastic surgery communities.


Throughout “Recovery Culture”, Acosta maintains optimism and encourages readers to do the same. With an intimate understanding of the pain, shame, anxiety, frustration, and self-blame that often comes with the tumultuous recovery from liposuction, tummy tuck, and Brazilian butt lift surgeries, she details how we are “designed to recover”and she digs into a unique way of understanding how a patient’s body goes through the repair. This book is full of support and advice for customizing  self care protocols for the patient to find their ideal recovery formula.


Through personal stories, anecdotes from her career, and interviews with her most impactful mentors, Acosta explains why certain things may happen to your body after surgery and how to take control of your mental and physical health during a time when you may feel helpless and alone.

She encourages everyone that they are perfectly and wonderfully

designed to recover like a champ!

About the Author

Christina M Acosta CMT is an author, educator, coach, and massage therapist with nearly 20 years of experience. Most of her clientele include those recovering from orthopedic surgeries, pain and swelling management cases, c-sections and postpartum, third-degree burn scars, and her specialty, plastic surgery. Christina helps her clients and students realize the beauty and strength of their capable bodies to do what they do best  –recover from unnatural trauma. She believes positive outcomes are around every corner, especially when utilizing simple and practical holistic tools and techniques that are easily available, in conjunction with a strong initiative, positive attitude, and hope.


Christina loves Jesus and is a devoted wife, bonus mom, dog and cat mom, entrepreneur, and content creator. In her personal time, she enjoys cooking (like, a LOT!) church ministry, mentorship, and entertaining. She indulges in reading, writing, bible study, the homemaking arts, collects vintage housewares she has no room for, and has a particular obsession with house plants. Most of all, she enjoys reminding everyone she encounters that they are made for a purpose and greatly loved.

Contact + Location


2775 Cottage Way Ste 22

Sacramento, CA 95825


Opening Hours


9am - 2:30 pm

Tues + Wed

10:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 2:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Seasonal hours, evening appointments, and early morning appointments are variable and by special request only

Weekends are researved for lectures, classes, special training, and interviews. 

By Appointment ONLY | No Walk In's | 24 Hour Rescheduling Policy | No Minors

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